17 April 2020 Freitag. 21:47:10 UTC
Letzte Berichte
I know your password is xxx
know, , is your password.
I need your complete attention for the next Twenty-four hours, or I will make sure you that you live out of embarrassment for the rest of your life.
Hi, you do not know me. But I know a lot of things concerning you. All of your facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts plus all the online activity on your computer from previous 158 days.
Consisting of, your self pleasure video, which brings me to the main reason why I am crafting this specific e-mail to you.
Well the previous time you went to the adult material webpages, my spyware was triggered in your computer system which ended up logging a lovely video clip of your self pleasure play simply by activating your webcam.
(you got a exceptionally odd taste btw lol)
Get USD 2000 in bitcoin and send it on the below address:
[case SENSITIVE copy & paste it, and remove *** from it]